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Handmade with love in New York City

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In June of 2021, I suffered from unknown complications in my right knee after a routine surgery called Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction. This led to three additional surgical procedures in just under five weeks with a final diagnosis of a severe staph infection in my right leg.  Because of this, I had extensive amounts of free time and what felt like incurable boredom. Eventually, I got online and ordered some supplies for jewelry making with hopes that it would give me something to do. I posted pictures on my Instagram account of what I was making and immediately I started getting countless amounts of orders. No matter how bad the pain was, the excitement of getting an order always brought a smile to my face. Fast forward two years later and I am fully recovered and very grateful to say that Stacked by Stoller is now official! Thank you to everyone who has supported me and this business during this tough time! Much love,


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